C Programming BCA I sem syllabus
Unit – 1 :
Overview of C: History and importance of C; Structureof a C Program with Examples;
Creating and Executing a C Program; Compilation process in C.
Constants, variables and data types: Character Set; C tokens – keywords and
identifiers, constants, and variables; Data types; Declaration & initialization of
Input and output with C: Formatted I/O functions - printf and scanf, Unformatted
I/O functions to read and display single character and a string - getchar, putchar,
gets and puts functions.
Unit – 2 :
C Operators & Expressions: Arithmetic operators; Relational operators; Logical
operators; Assignment operators; Increment & Decrement operators; Bitwise
operators; Conditional operator; Special operators; Operator Precedence and
Associatively; Evaluation of arithmetic expressions; Type conversion.
Control Structures: Decision making Statements - Simple if, if_else, nested if_else,
else_if ladder, Switch Case, goto, break & continue statements; decision making and
Looping Statements - Entry controlled and exit controlled statements, while, do-
while, for loops, Nested loops.
Unit – 3
Arrays: One Dimensional arrays - Declaration, Initialization; Two Dimensional
arrays - Declaration, Initialization, Multidimensional array.
Strings: Declaring & Initializing string variables; String handling functions - strlen,
strcmp, strcpy and strcat; Character handling functions - toascii, toupper, tolower,
isalpha, isnumeric etc.
Unit – 4 :
User Defined Functions: Need for user defined functions; elements of user defined
functions – return values and their types; function calls and declaration, category
of function, recursion.
Unit – 5 :
Pointers in C: Understanding pointers - Declaring and initializing pointers,
accessing address and value of variables using pointers; Pointers and Arrays;
Pointer expressions; Advantages and disadvantages of using pointers.
Structures and Unions - Structure Definition, accessing structure members,
Structure members initialization, comparing structure variables, Array of
Structures; Unions - Union definition; difference between Structures and Unions.
Text Books:
1. E. Balaguruswamy: Programming in ANSI C (TMH), 6th edition 2012.
2. C: The Complete Reference, By Herbert Schildt. 4th Edition By Herbert Schildt 2000 |
Published: October 6, 2000.
3. C Programming Language, By Brain W. Kernighan, 2nd Edition AT & T Bell Laboratories
Murray Hill, New Jersey.
Reference Books:
1. P. K. Sinha & Priti Sinha: Computer Fundamentals (BPB)
2. Kamthane: Programming with ANSI and TURBO C (Pearson Education)
3. V. Rajaraman: Programming in C (PHI – EEE)
4. S. Byron Gottfried: Programming with C (TMH)
5. Yashwant Kanitkar: Let us C
6. P.B. Kottur: Programming in C (Sapna Book House)
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