Digital Logic & Compiler Design Lab Programs.


DLCD Lab programs

1.     Implementation of basic logic gates.

2.     Implementation of universal gates and advanced gates.

3.     Implementation of given Boolean function in SOP form.

4.     Implementation of given Boolean function in POS form.

5.     Verification of state table of JK Flip-Flop.

6.     Verification of state table of RS Flip-Flop.

7.     Verification of state table of D Flip-Flop.

8.     Verification of state table of T Flip-Flop.

9.     Implementation and verification of Decoder.

10.Implementation and verification of Demultiplexer.

11.Implementation and verification of encoder.

12.Perform Binary to Gray code conversion.

13.Perform Gray to Binary code conversion.

14.   Implementation of 4X1 multiplexer using logic gates.

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